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Weekly Webinars:
Each week, you’ll receive access to a new webinar detailing ways to increase sales & profits, cut your costs or get funding for growth. Each weekly webcast is available Monday morning through Sunday evening.
[i4w_m_autologin site=’http://relightamerica.com/special’ buttontext=’Watch Weekly Webinar’ redir=’http://relightamerica.com/special/livewebinar’]
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Relight America™ Webinar Series – Time to Review:
Replays of the first 10 webinars and the bonus webinar are now available. They will remain available [i4w_onlyfor4 tagid=’566′] this week and next week. [/i4w_onlyfor4] [i4w_onlyfor4 tagid=’568′] until next Monday morning (2 AM Pacific Time). [/i4w_onlyfor4] Watch them now while they are still available.
How can you best monetize this opportunity?
Consider writing a story about what you really need to achieve. Like:
“I will (Overcome Obstacles) like (Cash Flow) and (Media Efficiency) then focus on (Increasing Productivity), (Increasing Standards) and (Expanding) to (get the lifestyle) I deserve.”
Just replace the words in parenthesis with the key seminar elements that meet the needs of your plan.
[i4w_m_autologin site=’http://relightamerica.com/special’ buttontext=’View/Access Replays Now’ redir=’http://relightamerica.com/special/series-one-review’]
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Forgot Password: If you cannot remember your password, please click the “Lost your password?” link below the “Login Now” button and enter your email address to have your password emailed to you. You may change your password at any time on your “My Relight” page once you login.