Gordon Bizar Webinar Process



[i4w_hidefrom tagid=’658,674,676,678,680′]

Are you sure you want to activate this webinar?

Title: (Growth & Finance) Extreme Financial Leverage: Double Sales & Profits in Months Instead of Years

Expert: Gordon Bizar

Summary: Summary description here

Confirm Activation?

[i4w_actionset actid=828 tagid=’658,672,674,-656′ buttontext=’Yes – Activate This Webinar Now’ aftertext=’Your request has been processed. This webinar will be active shortly. Return to the Select Webinar Series page to watch this webinar.’]

[i4w_actionset tagid=’706′ buttontext=’No – Activate This Webinar Later’ redir=’http://relightamerica.com/select’]

Return to Select Webinar Series page


[i4w_onlyfor1 tagid=’678,680′]

Your access period to this webinar has expired!

Please contact Relight America™ Support Services by using the Comments/Feedback reply box on your “My Relight” page to re-activate.


[i4w_onlyfor2 tagid=’676′]

Are you sure you want to deactivate this webinar?

Title: (Growth & Finance) Extreme Financial Leverage: Double Sales & Profits in Months Instead of Years

Expert: Gordon Bizar

Confirm Deactivation?

[i4w_actionset actid=832 tagid=’678,656,-658,-672,-674,-676,-684′ buttontext=’Yes – Deactivate This Webinar’ aftertext=’Your request has been processed. This webinar has been deactivated. Return to the Select Webinar Series page to activate another webinar when you are ready.’]

[i4w_actionset tagid=’706′ buttontext=’No – Keep This Webinar Active’ redir=’http://relightamerica.com/select’]

Return to Select Webinar Series page


[i4w_onlyfor3 tagid=’674′]

Are you sure you want to deactivate this webinar?

Title: (Growth & Finance) Extreme Financial Leverage: Double Sales & Profits in Months Instead of Years

Expert: Gordon Bizar

Summary: Summary description here

Confirm Deactivation?

You have NOT watched this webinar yet!

You have a total of 14 days access to this webinar from the date of activation.
(The email reminders we send you tell you how many days you have left.)
There may be a reactivation fee in the future if you decide to deactivate now.
Instead, you might want to schedule time now to view this webinar.

[i4w_actionset actid=866 tagid=’656,680,-658,-672,-674,-676′ buttontext=’Yes – Deactivate This Webinar’ aftertext=’Your request has been processed. This webinar has been deactivated. Return to the Select Webinar Series page to activate another webinar when you are ready.’]

[i4w_actionset tagid=’706′ buttontext=’No – Keep This Webinar Active’ redir=’http://relightamerica.com/select’]

Return to Select Webinar Series page


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